John Johnson
John Johnson founded the company Back to the Fad in 2012. He was voted least popular in school which inspired him to start his company. He hopes that one day every kid has the opportunity to become popular (for a small fee of $399). His favorite fad is heelies which he hopes to bring back into style.

Vice President
Samuel Smith
Samuel Smith was close friends with the CEO John Johnson after gradauting high school. He still works closely with his friend serving as vice president of the company. His favorite fad is the ice bucket challenge because it reminds him of the cold of winter.

Head of Marketing
Bob Thomas
Bob Thomas was working in an office of a marketing company when he heard of this company. He was always the one left out of work get togethers and was always the least favorite. He decided it was time to use his talents towards a company he believed in that could help him no longer be the least favorite coworker in 2015. His favorite fad is lava lamps because it reminds him of his childhood.

Head of Product Development
George was a loyal customer to the company for 3 years before he was offered a job in 2014. He worked his way up to the head of product development because of his knowledge for old fads. his favorite fad is fidget spinners because who didn't like fidget spinners.

Head of Customer Service
Karen was the top customer for posting the most reviews of the products. She was known for always shutting down the haters that gave our products negative reviews. She was offered a job in customer service in 2017 where she worked her way up to the head of the department. Her favorite fad is silly bands because they make any outfit more stylish and are perfect for any occasion.