LifeKey started out as a small idea that came from the frustration of having to reset passwords and losing personal information that was difficult to retrieve. Started in 2020, LifeKey was the product of German and Czech engineering. Klaus Herzberg and Rick were the creators of the engine that runs the site. It scans network after network, probing and collecting information of all shapes and sizes. And thanks to Bulgarian ingenuity, servers able to maintain such quantities of data, reaching about a hellabyte as of November 16.
Mid-summer of 2020, LifeKey was in a rut. With only 50% of the internet scanned and recorded, it was becoming too slow for head honcho, Jacob Morris Von Louisville. Oh and Elizabeth Noodle Fultz was there too and upset, I think. Von Louisville, with his great intuition and Baltic development team behind him, decided to partner with larger enterprises and agencies to fill in the gaps at a higher rate. Thus began LifeKey2.0. A brand new engine was created and with a bit of luck and a lot of code, we made enterprises such as Google and the FBI our partners without even asking.
On October 21st, 2020, LifeKey ran into legal issues as technically the enterprise was not given permission to access data from the FBI. On the 22nd, a settlement was made that LifeKey would share the data already collected with the US government and in return, we were able to acquire personal FBI agents for our customers at a low rate.
It has been a long journey to reach this point. The company has now grown from a few dedicated American and Slavic employees working with one small database of information to 50 full time information gathers located around the world and 25 customer support staff. We have grown our database of information to be the largest in the world.