Our Product

Yelp for Help is revolutionizing the world of social media!

We provide a new, fun, innovative way to excite your staff, and it's completely online!

Yelp for Help functions as both an inticing incentive for outstanding performance and an easy way to handle company downsizing. Our service operates very similarly to typical social review platform.

Read below for the list of our one-of-a-kind features!



Every employee profile has a frame conveying their performance status. The "Nobility" ranking is the highest employees can achieve, indicating excellent performance reviews.

Nobility status is achieved by averaging 4-5 diamonds by coworker reviews.



Every employee profile has a frame conveying their performance status. The "Commoner" ranking indicates mediocre performance reviews.

Commoner status is achieved by averaging 3 diamonds by coworker reviews.



Every employee profile has a frame conveying their performance status. The "Peasant" ranking indicates poor performance reviews.

Peasant status is achieved by averaging 1-2 diamonds by coworker reviews.


Palace Page

The Palace page is the first page of Yelp for Help. It shows which citizens of the kingdom, (your employees) are optimally performing for the royals (you, the employer).

Want to know who is most loyal? Who deserves a raise? Look no further than the Palace page!


Village Page

The Village page is the second page of Yelp for Help. It shows which citizens of the kingdom, (your employees) are mediocrely performing for the royals (you, the employer).

Want to know who needs improvement? Look no further than the Village page!


Dungeon Page

The Dungeon page is the third page of Yelp for Help. It shows which citizens of the kingdom, (your employees) are poorly performing for the royals (you, the employer).

Budget cuts approaching? Want to know who to fire? Look no further than the Dungeon page!


All Employees Page

The All Employees page is the fourth page of Yelp for Help. It shows all citizens of the kingdom in order of who has received the most recent review.

Want to who everyone's talking about? Look no further than the All Employees page!

myaccount myaccountreviews

My Account Page

The My Account page is the last page of Yelp for Help. It shows the individual user their personal rankings and specifics. It also displays all individual reviews.

Want to know your current status? Want to know what people are saying about you? Look no further than the My Account page!